Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, June 6, 2011

The first few days .....

The first few days were crazy of course.  I had the best nurses.  I delivered at Utah Valley and everyone there was awesome, even the food! They offer "room service" now which was super delicious believe it or not.  The nurses were gems, always polite, and accommodating.  It was very comforting knowing that the ladies taking care of me and Inoke were on top of their game and really knew their stuff.  Here are some photos of a few of our visitors.....

First Poop!!! Great job dad!!! 

On Friday the nurse had said Inoke's bilirubin levels were a little high so we needed to monitor him and retest him on Saturday morning.  Well Saturday morning he was retested and levels were too high so Inoke had to go under the bili lights.  It was sad to see him under the lights and that he had to be all alone for the whole day with the exception of me feeding him, however the nurses said he was the best baby under the lights, he just sprawled out and chilled under the warmth of the lights.  The nurses said most babies don't like laying like that for hours, but Inoke loved it.  
Cute little peanut

My mom was wonderful and was able to stay until about the end of the month to help out and give me a hand, it was sad to see her go! She is planning on coming back at the end of July to stay another month for Danny and Khealynn's new arrival... So excited for them too!! 

Grandma Kathy!! 



That is so wonderful that your mom got to be with you for an extended amt of mom came for 3 wks after each kid and I literally cried when she would leave! She brought me and the home such peace and warmth. I bet your mom was the same way! In the pic where he is getting his diaper changed he is so little:) I miss that!!


What a little cutie. And I love that Grandma Kathy, what a great lady.