Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Inoke's firsts

Here is a little list of Inoke's firsts ....

                                                                     1st day home

                                                                     1st stroller ride
I have been so thankful for this nice weather lately, it has let Inoke and I go out and take little walks around the neighborhood and avoid cabin fever!

1st bath!
He actually really liked it, which made it less stressful for me trying to give a newborn a bath!

1st bottle!
I have to go back to work on the 18th, so sad ;(.  So I thought it was about time to introduce the bottle so that Sione can feed him while I am at work.  Inoke had no problem sucking down the milk.  I know call me a weirdo but it kinda made me sad that it didn't even phase him that he was sucking on an artificial nipple. On the other hand it was comforting because I know that he and Sione will have no problems when I am away. 

1st visit from his Hanai family
Love, love, love these ladies! Cori, Addison, Dani, and Debbie made a spur of the moment 10hr drive from San Diego to come out here to see this little man.  They arrived on a Friday night and left on a Sunday morning! Now that is some serious love and dedication.  I cannot tell you how much these ladies and their families mean to me, they have shown me such support and love it's unbelievable.  I am so grateful to have them in our lives.  It was fun to have them here even if for just a short stay, to bounce ideas off of them, share the joys & frustrations of motherhood, get advice, and just laugh, and boy can we laugh!
Love you ladies! 

1st tuxedo
Sione's brother Funaki got married on Wednesday and we thought this was the most appropriate outfit.  Thank you to our friend Sascha who gave this to Inoke as a baby shower gift, it was perfect and he was the best dressed baby at the wedding ... too cute! 


TG and Steph

I had no idea you guys had a blog. I'm glad I found it. Inoke is adorable. Can't wait to see him in person :) Hope you're having fun being a mommy!